Nothing but good days of hunting

Here at 8-Point, we strive to provide the highest quality elevated hunting blinds on the market. So you can enjoy better hunting days, all season long, for years to come.

After buying and selling blinds from another manufacturer, a slow winter in shed sales led to some idle time. Our team decided to have some fun and started building blinds. Because, well, we like to hunt, too.

A worker putting together the blind's foundation
Bodys of 2 blinds during construction

Pretty soon, we realized that with a few tweaks we could greatly “elevate” the performance of a standard blind. Those changes are why 8-Point Elevated Hunting Blinds are so comfortable. It’s also why they stand up to years of harsh winter weather.

So give our blinds a shot. They come backed with a full two-year warranty on all parts, plus a 50-year warranty on floors and siding. And while that’s good and all, what’s even better is this:

All the extra time you’ll be able to stay out in the woods waiting for the big one.

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8-Point Hunting Blinds is an Amish owned and operated company in Lancaster County, PA. We’re committed to building quality products and treating our customers with respect. If you have any questions regarding our products, please contact us.

Above ground shot of the warehouse